Shafil Alam

Welcome to my homepage on the internet! This main page mainly serves as a digital portfolio of my work and what I have done.

About me.

Welcome! I’m Shafil Alam, a passionate tech enthusiast driven by a self-taught journey. I’ve acquired a diverse range of skills and expertise through certifications, competitions, and projects. My approach to learning has shaped my problem-solving abilities and resourcefulness. I bring a unique perspective to the tech world, fueled by collaboration, critical thinking, and adaptability. With these skills, I contribute to open-source projects in my free time.


CompTIA Security+

Certified in foundational cybersecurity skills with a focus on network security, vulnerability assessment, and digital forensics.

TestOut Ethical Hacker Pro

Certified in ethical hacking and proficient in using tools to identify and exploit vulnerabilities, with skills in reconnaissance, etc.

TestOut Security Pro

Certified in comprehensive security principles which implemented hands-on labs instead of answering questions.

TestOut Network Pro

Certified in network administration and troubleshooting, demonstrating proficiency in configuring and maintaining network infrastructure.

IT Specialist – Network Security

Certified as a network security specialist, skilled in securing and protecting network infrastructure from potential threats.

IT Specialist – Software Development

Certified in software development skills, including OOP programming, web applications, and databases. Proficiency in C# and SQL is required for this certification.

Microsoft Office Specialist: Associate (2019)

Certified proficient in Microsoft Office, including Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Outlook, with advanced productivity skills.


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Certified in CompTIA Security+ and TestOut Security Pro, showcasing expertise in network security, vulnerability assessment, and more. Experience includes participation in CyberStart America 2023 and CyberPatriot XV competitions.

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Systems Administration

Demonstrated proficiency in systems administration through projects such as setting up a home lab with Proxmox, pfSense firewall configuration, NextCloud server implementation, and exploration of Active Directory within virtual machines.

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Ethical Hacking

Certified in TestOut Ethical Hacker Pro 2023, displaying skills in ethical hacking and vulnerability assessment. Participation in CyberStart America and CyberPatriot XV competitions highlights expertise in identifying and exploiting vulnerabilities.

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Software Development

Proficient in software development with experience in mobile app development and full-stack web development. My open-source Dogecoin Arcade project showcases my ability in using technologies such as Node.js, Websockets, ZeroMQ, MongoDB, C++, and Python.

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Mobile App Development

Recognized as the first-place winner in a state Mobile Application Development competition, highlighting skills in creating mobile applications. This project demonstrated expertise in Dart, Flutter, and integration of various features.

Full-stack Development

Showcased my full-stack web development skills through the creation of an open-source Dogecoin Arcade software project. My experience in building the frontend, backend, and client applications demonstrates proficiency in full-stack web development.


Destination App – Your Ultimate Commuting Companion

Created a mobile app called Destination App. The app is an all-in-one solution for navigating university transportation, corporate shuttles, and public transit. Supports over 800 agencies!

Mobile Application Project

Designed and developed a mobile application that secured first place in the state FBLA Mobile Application Development competition. Leveraged Dart, Flutter, and various APIs to create a feature-rich application, incorporating user authentication, real-time messaging, and database management. Showcased expertise in mobile app development and innovative problem-solving.

Dogecoin Arcade Fullstack

Created an open-source monorepo for a Dogecoin-powered arcade. Developed a full stack application using Node.js, Websockets, ZeroMQ, RPC, and MongoDB. This suite includes a custom server, frontend written in SvelteKit, and client applications in C++ and Python. Demonstrated proficiency in full-stack web development and integration of cryptocurrency-based features.


  • Grayson Technical Education Program
    Completed a Cybersecurity Certificate program, gaining in-depth knowledge and skills in advanced cybersecurity and composition. The program covered essential topics in cybersecurity, equipping me with the necessary foundation for a career in the field.
  • Grayson High School
    Graduated with a high school diploma, achieving an honor graduate status. Notable achievements include receiving the Zell Miller/HOPE Scholarship, earning the Computer Science Pathway Seal, and the GaDOE Employability Soft Skills Seal on the diploma.


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